Running and static displays of motors, machinery, tractors, vintage cars and trucks, motor bikes, tractor pull, steam displays and more …
25 shed displays – each shed open to display collections including tools, household items, dairy paraphernalia, museum, and more …
Racecourse Park Rally Ground, 73 Grayland Street, Cobden Victoria 3266. 10am start each day.
NHMA Guidelines Apply.
Stall holder enquiries are welcome. Contact Brian on 0448 711 476 after 7pm.
Exhibitors welcome to join us and display your wares. Contact Brian on 0448 711 476 after 7pm.
Camping Friday and/or Saturday night. Unpowered level and grassy sites. Toilets and showers provided. $10/night/caravan/camper trailer/motor home/tent.
Q1. Who hosts the event?
A1. South Western District Renovation Group Inc. They have been established since 1978 and moved to their current location in 2010. The 2024 Rally will be the Club’s 48th annual event.
Q2. Do exhibitors have facilities to unload?
A2. Yes we have a loading ramp and a forklift is usually available.
Q3. Are showers available?
A3. Yes we have all abilities shower and toilet facilities.
Q4. Is food available?
A4. Yes cooked breakfast plus canteen and BBQ operating throughout the day. We no longer provide a Saturday evening meal.
Q5. Can exhibitors camp close to their display?
A5. Yes.
Q6. Do you still run a fund-raising auction?
A6. Yes we conduct an auction on the Saturday morning of the March rally.
>>> DOWNLOAD Cobden Vintage Rally Exhibitor Registration Form 2023. <<<